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Panama City Family Law Blog

How long does a collaborative divorce take?

Collaborative divorce in Florida focuses on splitting in a cooperative and nonadversarial way. Unlike contested divorces, which often involve litigation and courtroom battles, collaborative divorce encourages open communication and negotiation. The primary objective...

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FAQs about guardianship

Estate planning ensures your loved ones understand your wishes after your passing, but safeguarding minor children or vulnerable adults requires additional considerations. In Florida, appointing a guardian through your will becomes important. However, the process may...

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Why does probate exist?

Probate is a mechanism for the orderly distribution of a deceased person's assets. It can also settle the affairs of a person. It serves several important purposes, ensuring a fair and transparent transition of property and responsibilities. Asset distribution and...

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Is divorce mediation right for you?

Many divorcing couples can benefit from mediation. With this process, a neutral third party helps you negotiate an agreement on important issues. Mediation could be the right choice if you want an amicable resolution to marital issues. Spouses considering this...

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Does an uncontested divorce save money?

Going through a divorce is challenging and emotional, and it can also be costly. However, opting for an uncontested divorce may help you save money when you decide to end your marriage. An uncontested divorce is a type of divorce where both parties agree on all major...

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